Station CQ.LEF1

Network:CQPosition:35.1771°N, 33.3687°E
Station Code:LEF1Elevation:0 m
Name:Lefkosia (Acc)

Active Channels

There are 3 active channels.

Channel Azimuth (°) Dip (°) Depth (m) Sample Rate (Hz) Sensor Instrument Index Response Valid From (UTC) Valid To (UTC) Action
CQ.LEF1.--.HNE 90.0 0.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHE 2023-10-31 11:56:27 forever
CQ.LEF1.--.HNN 0.0 0.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHN 2023-10-31 11:56:27 forever
CQ.LEF1.--.HNZ 0.0 -90.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHZ 2023-10-31 11:56:27 forever

Inactive Channels

There are 3 inactive channels.

Channel Azimuth (°) Dip (°) Depth (m) Sample Rate (Hz) Sensor Instrument Index Response Valid From (UTC) Valid To (UTC) Action
CQ.LEF1.--.HHN 0.0 0.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHN 2021-02-01 12:41:00 2023-10-30 00:00:00
CQ.LEF1.--.HHZ 0.0 -90.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHZ 2021-02-01 12:41:00 2023-10-30 00:00:00
CQ.LEF1.--.HHE 90.0 0.0 0 m 100.0 None CQ.LEF1.HHE 2021-02-01 12:41:02 2023-10-30 00:00:00